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    AC9020-語音芯片 動物叫語音IC標準片 AC5050-可編程語音芯片

    華邦ISD/WinbondISD語音芯片廠家 / 產品系列代碼5位

    芯片廠家名稱 :   華邦ISD 廠家英文名 :   WinbondISD
    廠家簡介:環 芯 相關其他:   主流高端錄放音芯片
    華邦電子是一家專業的利基型內存IC設計、制造與銷售公司,從產品設計、技術研發、晶圓制造到自有品牌營銷全球,華邦致力提供全球客戶全環芯方位的中低密度利基型內存解決方案服務. 并購美國 Information Storage Devices (ISD)公司

    廠家產品參考 : 產品系列識別碼5位,更多詳情咨詢環芯銷售人員,謝謝!

    芯片廠家常見應用類別 : 常規類 ,更多語音芯片廠家產品選型目錄請進入!(部分資料來源于網絡收錄)

    華邦ISD公司詳細介紹和相關產品 :

    華邦核心產品包含閃存(Code Storage Flash Memory)、利基型動態隨機存取內存(Specialty DRAM)及移動隨機存取內存(Mobile DRAM),運用技術自主之優勢及謹慎規劃的產能策略,建立極具彈性的生產體系,并發揮產ATChip.com品組合相乘所產生之綜效,充分滿足客戶多元化需求、落實自有品牌之發展。

    本公司的閃存(Code Storage Flash Memory)聚焦于中低容量產品,提供規格完整的串口式閃存(Serial Flash)和并行式閃存(Parallel Flash)產品,滿足小尺寸封裝規格,具有腳數低、體積小、成本低的特性;亦提供串口式 (SPI) NAND 型及單層式 (SLC) NAND 型閃存以滿足客戶更多的編碼儲存需求。華邦編碼型閃存產品在計算機周邊市場擁有相當的市占率,并且積極拓展應用于行動裝置、消費電子,以及多樣性之車用電子、物聯網和穿戴裝置等應用領域。
    華邦以所擅長的高性能和低功耗內存核心設計技術,結合自有十二吋晶圓廠之生產優勢,推出包含利基型動態隨機存取內存(Specialty DRAM)和移動隨機存取內存(Mobile DRAM)之全系列自有產品,專注于品牌客戶及以質量需求導向的產品應用,除了在手持裝置應用、消費電子及計算機周邊市場都能見到華邦的產品外,更布局于良品裸晶圓、車用、工業用電子等高門坎、高質量要求的應用。

    華邦ISD公司英文介紹和產品 :
     Winbond was established in September 1987 and listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange in 1995 with headquarters in Central Taiwan Science Park, Taichung, Taiwan.
    Winbond is a specialty memory IC company engaged in design, manufacturing and sales services. From product design, research and development, and wafer fabrication to the marketing of brand name products, Winbond endeavors to provide its global clientele top quality low to medium density memory solutions.
    Winbond's major product lines include Code Storage Flash Memory, Specialty DRAM and Mobile DRAM. Our advantage of technological autonomy and prudent capacity strategy enables us to build a highly flexible production system and create synergy among product lines, which allows us to meet the diverse demands of customers while building the brand image.
    In the area of Code Storage Flash Memory products, we focus on the “low to medium density” market by offering a full spectrum of Serial Flash and Parallel Flash products. Our Flash memory packages offer features such as low pin count, small size and low cost. We also offer SPI NAND and SLC NAND flash memory products to better meet the customer demands for code storage. With considerable market share in computer peripheral markets, we also actively develop a diversity of flash memory products for applications in mobile devices, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, IoT and wearable devices. 
    Winbond specializes in the design of high-performance, low-power memory. With a 12-inch fab, we offer a whole series of Specialty DRAM and Mobile DRAM products that target a top-tier clientele and quality-oriented applications. Winbond’s products are used extensively in handheld devices, consumer electronics and computer peripherals. We also focus on high-barrier, high-quality applications, such as KGD, automobile and industrial electronics.
    華邦ISD更多公司中文描述 : WinbondISD更多公司英文描述 :
    并購美國 Information Storage Devices (ISD)公司
    安全閃存W75和W77系列可保護連接物聯網裝置中的數據免于多種駭客攻擊和其他安全威脅。 W76 安全芯片(Secure Element)提供已認證的解決方案,為嵌入式通用集成電路卡 (eUICC)、移動支付和其他高安全需求的應用。 (2018年11月13日慕尼黑, 德國/臺灣臺中訊) —華邦為全球領先內存解決方案供應商,即將在2018年11月13日至16日于德國慕尼黑電子展 (electronica)推出一系列針對高安全需求的應用設計者當前所面臨的嵌入式存儲器技術限制的解決方案,可應用于物聯網節點、車用、行動裝置和其他連接產品等領域。
    Acquired Information Storage Devices, Inc. (ISD)
    Winbond’s Secure Flash portfolio on show at electronica provides secure external storage for code and data in SoC- and processor-based systems
    W75 and W77 series of Secure Flash devices protect data in connected and IoT devices from a wide range of hacking attacks and other security threats. W76 Secure Element provides certified solution for eUICC, mobile payments and other security-critical applications.
    華邦ISD公司LOGO相關形象圖 : WinbondISD其他產品資料圖:
    華邦ISD廠家形象圖 (  聲音類   ) / WinbondISD
華邦ISD廠家形象圖 (  聲音類   ) / WinbondISD
    更多語音芯片開發資料。 語音芯片主要有:1,AC8040,AC8080語音OTPAC8VC,AC8VM特價8腳芯片等。2,標準品,動物叫短秒數標準品,圣誕老公公,自然聲產品,鬼叫燈音效產品等。3,裸片類IC(Dice),語音音樂標準品,各種開發掩膜芯片,裸片芯片可以封裝到COB或者硬封裝芯片。
    •ISD17錄放音芯片/The Winbond? ISD1700 ChipCorder? Series is a high quality, fully int
    •ISD16錄放音芯片/The Winbond? ISD1600B ChipCorder? Series is a high quality, fully in
    •ISD18錄放音芯片/Information Storage Devices’ ISD1810 ChipCorder? provides high-qual
    與您攜手,共創輝煌。       華邦ISD    WinbondISD
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    語音芯片業務聯絡QQ 68681298
    語音芯片業務聯絡QQ 3013945895
    語音芯片技術聯絡QQ 34188255
    深圳市環芯半導體有限公司語音芯片聯絡電話 0755-28149272
    環芯語音芯片聯絡傳真 0755-29058191
    環芯語音芯片ic業務聯絡手機 18922809111
    環芯語音芯片淘寶店 公司淘寶店